When: March 28 - 30, 2024
Where: Berkeley CA or Online
What is Bioneers?
Founder Kenny Ausubel coined the term Bioneers in 1990 to describe an emerging culture. Bioneers are social and scientific innovators from all walks of life and disciplines who have peered deep into the heart of living systems to understand how nature operates, and to mimic "nature's operating instructions" to serve human ends without harming the web of life. Nature's principles—kinship, cooperation, diversity, symbiosis and cycles of continuous creation absent of waste—can also serve as metaphoric guideposts for organizing an equitable, compassionate and democratic society.
The Bioneers Conference is a leading-edge forum where you can see tomorrow today: a future environment of hope. Social and scientific innovators focus on breakthrough solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity. These visionaries are already creating the healthy, diverse, equitable and beautiful world we want to live in—our legacy for future generations and the web of life on which our lives depend. You can connect with hundreds or thousands of engaged folks making a real difference.
We view the conference as a dose of optimism, where real world examples of people working to making improvements to our planet. You walk away from Bioneers with knowledge, inspiration and hope that we can change our ways.
The Bioneers website has extensive information with full schedule of speakers.
Previous Events:
When: December 5-6 and December 12-13, 2020
Where: Online
The yearly conference scheduled for October was posponed due to COVID. The conference has gone virtual this year and moved to December.
What is Bioneers?
Founder Kenny Ausubel coined the term Bioneers in 1990 to describe an emerging culture. Bioneers are social and scientific innovators from all walks of life and disciplines who have peered deep into the heart of living systems to understand how nature operates, and to mimic "nature's operating instructions" to serve human ends without harming the web of life. Nature's principles—kinship, cooperation, diversity, symbiosis and cycles of continuous creation absent of waste—can also serve as metaphoric guideposts for organizing an equitable, compassionate and democratic society.
The Bioneers Conference is a leading-edge forum where you can see tomorrow today: a future environment of hope. Social and scientific innovators focus on breakthrough solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity. These visionaries are already creating the healthy, diverse, equitable and beautiful world we want to live in—our legacy for future generations and the web of life on which our lives depend. You can connect with hundreds or thousands of engaged folks making a real difference.
We view the conference as a dose of optimism, where real world examples of people working to making improvements to our planet. You walk away from Bioneers with knowledge, inspiration and hope that we can change our ways.
The Bioneers website has extensive information with full schedule of speakers.
When: September 17th through September 25th, 2020
Where: Villahermosa, Mexico
Aluna Joy and Enrigue Encalada have guided this retreat for several years. Our experience with Aluna's retreats have been unfolding for years and we recommend any of her retreats. Here is some more information on this Mayan retreat: We joyfully invite you to an Open-Hearted, Magical Jungle Retreat. In Celebration of a New Cycle of Creation this Equinox. This pilgrimage is filled with Messages from the Ancient Ones, Meditation and Ceremony. 3 days in Palenque, and full days in Bonampak and Yaxchillan. No other pilgrimage offers this much time in these sacred sites. We know that we can't rush Spirit. Aluna will offer messages from the spirits of the temples and the Star Elders. Enqique will bring his wonderful quality of spirit and ceremony to the group. All this PLUS . . . BLISS, MAGIC, and as always . . . surprises and the unexpected!
Read more about this pilgrimage on Aluna's website.
When: Postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19
Where: San Rafael, CA
Founder Kenny Ausubel coined the term Bioneers in 1990 to describe an emerging culture. Bioneers are social and scientific innovators from all walks of life and disciplines who have peered deep into the heart of living systems to understand how nature operates, and to mimic "nature's operating instructions" to serve human ends without harming the web of life. Nature's principles—kinship, cooperation, diversity, symbiosis and cycles of continuous creation absent of waste—can also serve as metaphoric guideposts for organizing an equitable, compassionate and democratic society.
The Bioneers Conference is a leading-edge forum where you can see tomorrow today: a future environment of hope. Social and scientific innovators focus on breakthrough solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity. These visionaries are already creating the healthy, diverse, equitable and beautiful world we want to live in—our legacy for future generations and the web of life on which our lives depend. You can connect with hundreds or thousands of engaged folks making a real difference.
We view the conference as a dose of optimism, where real world examples of people working to making improvements to our planet. You walk away from Bioneers with knowledge, inspiration and hope that we can change our ways.
The Bioneers website has extensive information with full schedule of speakers.
When: October 18 through October 20th, 2019
Where: San Rafael, CA
When: September 19th through September 27th, 2016
Where: Ireland
Ancient Lineage Lines and the Order of the Sacred Rose
When: July 14th – 30th, 2015
Where: Sacred Ireland and Holy England
Join a Sacred Rose Quest with Aluna Joy and Marcus Mason, while traveling to Life Altering Stone Circles, Otherworldly Crop Circles,Deeply Healing Sacred Wells, Peaceful Standing Stones, Ancient Cairns, Powerful Ley Lines, Magical Caves, Timeless Chapels and Castles.
For more information, go to the Aluna Joy website .
When: August 7-9 2015
Where: 1155 County Route 6 (also known as County Hwy 6 and New Kingston Rd.) Margaretville, NY 12455
This event brings together a group of elders and presenters on the beautiful and sacred grounds of the Blue Deer Center located in the Catskill Mountains (a short three hour drive from New York City).
The land itself and the magnificent mountain stream that flows through it provide an inspiring and rejuvenating backdrop for our program. This gathering is a rare opportunity to experience life in a community connected to the living world by the presence of the elder voices, the laughter of children, and the songs of the winds and the sacred stream.
For more information go the Sacred Fire Foundation website.
When: April 17-23 2015
Where: Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona, Arizona
For more information go the the Sedona Creative Life Center website here.
When: Saturday March 21, 2015
Where: The Center for Natural Wellness 3 Cerone Commercial Drive, Albany, NY
The Center for Natural Wellness 3 Cerone Commercial Drive, Albany, NY. Joy & The Souls of Evolution, with Special Guests, Gary Goldberg, Director of CNW, Lisa Satalino. Administrator of Teachers at CNW, Author and Musician, Cindy Moorcroft and her Drum Group, and more! More information click here.
For more information on this exciting experience in Colombia go the the World Healing Website.
When: Friday November 9 through Sunday November 11, 2012
Where: Atlanta, Georgia
Turbulent times inspire us to live differently--are you ready for real change? Immerse yourself in the healing teachings, stories and ceremonies at Ancient Wisdom Rising 2012. Around a sacred fire that burns for 3 days, indigenous elders share their wisdom with people who are ready to listen, learn and celebrate the change that is stirring in the world. Restore your life's balance by igniting a heart-centered way of living. Join us at The Lodge at Simpsonwood, surrounded by 227 acres of woodlands along the Chattahoochee River. Registration fees include all meals and events. We encourage participants to stay with us onsite; lodging is available for an additional fee. Details and registration: ancientwisdomrising.com
When: Thursday August 17 thru August 22, 2012
Where: Matuy Nature Reserve in Palomino, Colombia
“We need to focus on the reconciliation of people with the natural order of the world. It is necessary to recover the relationship with our Mother Earth and with life. As Mamos and as ancient cultures we have been building since the beginning of time a harmonious relationship with the earth and the universe. We safeguard the seed of life. We would like in this forthcoming world gathering with you all and with our Mayan brothers to make a declaration and re-unite in the purpose of safeguarding human life on our mother earth.”- Kogi Mamos and Mayan Elders.
Experience this gathering on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean on the edge of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. The Kogi (spiritual leaders) will host Mayan Elders from Mexico and Guatemala. Together they will share wisdom, offering ceremonies and payments to reestablish balance and harmony on earth. If in your heart, you want to commit yourself to honor and care for the seed of life on this earth, we invite you to be part of the Dawn of New Time.
When: Thursday September 13 thru Mon. September 17, 2012
Where: Marriott Pyramid Hotel Albuquerque, New Mexico
The Mayan Calendar and other prophecies on the future of humanity. More details to come. Here is the list of presenters: Don Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj Perez, 6 of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Flordemayo (Mayan), Grandmother Mona Polacca (Hopi/Tewa), Tlakaelel (Tolteca), Ach Ta (Mayan), Leroy Little Bear J.D., Sequoyah Trueblood, Uqualla (Havasupai), James Odea, Robert K. Sitler, Nina Simons, Rabbi, Gershon Winkler, Rabbi Miriam Maron, Ohki Simine Forest, Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere (Maori Tohuna Wisdom Keeper), Kenny Ausubell, Tobasonakwut Kinew.
Hear about 2012 directly from Mayan Wisdom Keepers, Scientists and Spiritual Leaders
When: April 12th-15th, 2012
Where: Anywhere you have access to a phone or computer
Learn from Traditional Maya Who Have Carried Their Oral Traditions
As part of this unique TeleSummit, we bring to you honored Mayan wisdom keepers, scientists and spiritual leaders from Guatemala who would like to speak about this sacred and important time for the Maya. We specifically asked them to share with the world from their own experiences and perspective about the significance of this transition as descendants of the ancient Maya who have carried these oral traditions.
These words from the heart of the Maya are to be shared with everyone for positive change, evolution of the consciousness of humanity and to bring about healing. You will be immersed in a very special experience. It is a time for prayer, hearing wisdom and receiving blessings that will support us in navigating the times we are in, connecting with our souls and opening our hearts to awaken a deeper communion with Mother Earth and all of her relations. For more information and to signup for this summit.
When: May 4th-7th, 2012
Where: Tecate, Mexico
Be a part of the 14th annual multicultural gathering bringing dance, sacred ceremonies, inspiring words from indigenous culture’s elders, and healing to attendees who come and participate for 4 days with this wonderful community at the foothills of the sacred mountain, Cuchuma.
When: November 6, 2011 through November 12, 2011
Where: Chucuito (Lake Titicaca region), Peru
Journey into Sacred Alignment with the Cosmos and PachaMama on 11-11-11 where WE are the keys to the Golden Sun Disc Portal Activation at Lake Titicaca.
You will participate in Timeless Ceremonies of Activation with Peruvian Mystic and Shaman, Jorge Luis Delgado at the inter-dimensional Aramu Muru Doorway; accompany Q’ero Elders (current incarnation of the Incas) in ancient rituals of activation at Sacred Sites near Lake Titicaca...
If you feel the call to participate in this sacred gathering, sign up and be part of this gathering. For more information go to: http://adamdearmon.com/
When: Thursday August 18th through Monday August 22, 2011
Where: Nabusimake, in the Sierra de la Marta mountains of Colombia
For the indigenous peoples living in Colombia´s Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo, sustaining the balance of the spiritual and physical world is their sacred task, they are guardians of the earth and have managed to live in harmony with the planet for hundreds of years.
For these four indigenous groups, the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta is the beating heart of the world, the spirit`s temple, and is where wealth and sustenance of the spirit is. Likewise, in the Sierra Nevada dwell the spiritual father and mother of water, wind, fire and earth of mankind who sustain life on this planet.
The Mamos (highly trained ritual priests) have felt that is the time to teach and share, among different cultures, the spiritual knowledge that leads to a new consciousness.
It's time to listen and learn from our elder brothers. In their wisdom are ancient records of human history and ancestral memory that reminds us how to live in harmony, which contributes to our transformation as a human race and invites us to a new and conscious way of living.
If you feel in your heart the call to participate in this sacred gathering, sign up and be part of “the dawn of a new time". This is a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to listen and learn from these deeply spiritual people. For more information on this gathering go to: http://adamdearmon.com/ or http://www.oneheartproductions.net/
Additional details on the the indigenous peoples living in Colombia´s Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo here are some documents in pdf format you can download. The first document is in English and was created by the indigenous Organization Gonawindúa Tayrona to show the scope of the Environmental and Traditional corridor of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta project. Click here for this pdf file with beautiful high definition photos.
When: Thursday August 4 - Monday August 8, 2011
Where: Deer Mountain Center, Montague, CA
The 6th Annual Wisdom Keeper & Youth Council includes Ceremonies & Teachings from Wisdom Keepers from many different parts of the world.
For more information visit the Earth Peoples United website.
When: Sunday, August 13 - Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Where: Albuquerque, NM
For the past 12 years, SEED has hosted a meeting of the minds between quantum physicists, Native American scholars, and linguists to discuss the underlying principles of the Universe, based on a mutual respect for their differences in worldviews. The format followed the late David Bohm’s work “On Dialogue,” and was brought to Albuquerque and SEED in 1999, by Dan Moonhawk Alford, an accomplished linguist. This open, public exchange continues to grow around the important issues of how the Universe operates and our roles and responsibilities as Human Beings within our Universe.
When: April 20-24, 2011
Where: Synergia Ranch Santa Fe, New Mexico
THE EARTH DAY RAINBOW TRIBE RETREAT is a gathering of people from all over the globe who feel the calling to AWAKEN THE ANCIENT SHAMANIC TRADITIONS OF THEIR ANCESTORS. This gathering will be lead by Patricia WhiteBuffalo. We will be coming together as one tribe from many nations to participate in several Shamanic traditions for personal and Earth healings such as; Journeying, Soul Retrieval, Walking the Medicine Wheel, Shamanic Sound Healing, Drumming and Trance Dance.
For more information visit the Patricia WhiteBuffalo's website.
When: May 15th-18th, 2011
Where: Tecate, Mexico
Be a part of the 13th annual multicultural gathering bringing dance, sacred ceremonies, inspiring words from indigenous culture’s elders, and healing to attendees who come and participate for 4 days with this wonderful community at the foothills of the sacred mountain, Cuchuma. For more information on this event, or to register, visit www.earthdance8.org.
When: May 19th–22nd, 2011
Where: Port Townsend, WA
The Ancient Wisdom Gathering sponsored by the Sacred Fire Foundation, will introduce a new way of being that is just, sustainable and full of joy and meaning to inspiring us during these turbulent times to live differently. Experience the living world with these seven elders, Tata Erik Gonzalex, Sobonfu Some, Whaea Raina Ferris, Kawan Sangaa Woody Morrison, Vedamurti Shri Vivek Shastri L. Godbole, Grandmother Sara (Smith) and Tsaurirrkame Eliot Cowan, represent ancient traditions from the world’s four directions. They will relate experiences and traditional knowledge in 3 days of keynote presentations, concurrent sessions and interactive workshops. Several sessions will be held around the sacred fire that will burn day and night. For more information on this event, or to register, visit www.ancientwisdomrising.com.
When: May 29th–June 3rd, 2011
Where: Petaluma, CA
A highly experiential five-day retreat for serious change agents will activate every level of your body, mind, and soul. You will be served through a deep journey that will help you awaken to a full-spectrum sacred life, one that is filled with joy, magic, and service to the larger changes of our day. Daily engagement with the foremost visionaries, change agents, and evolutionary catalysts of today, all helping you to understand the extraordinary birth humanity is undergoing and how you can play your highest role. They will each offer their deepest insights and practical guidance to help you expand your mind, open your heart, and express your soul's greatest gifts. The week's journey will be woven into a cohesive narrative that connects to the larger Shift of our day by conscious evolution pioneer Barbara Marx Hubbard, Stephen Dinan and Devaa Haley Mitchell of The Shift Network. For more information about this event, or to register, visit www.theshiftretreat.com/retreat/Retreat2011.
When: June 5th–June 10th, 2011
Where: Sonoma, CA
Cultivating Women’s Leadership brings together women of diverse cultures, ages and backgrounds to learn from and with each other. Emphasizing the unique qualities and opportunities that women bring to leadership, this training will help you learn practical skills to:
Join us to explore how to most effectively transform yourself and the world. For more information on this event or to register, visit www.bioneers.org/.