Our Resource section provides you with Recommended Readings and Favorite Links so that you can investigate many different areas of interest and learn about different projects and organizations that are dedicated to helping others around the world.

The Members Writings area is presented with the intention of providing an additional forum from which to learn. Very often, it is from someone else’s insight into themselves, that we find a doorway into ourselves. We encourage any registered member to submit a writing, or PDF of an artistic expression with an explanatory statement for review and placement into this section. Submissions can be made by email to, with the subject line indicating “Submission for Members Writings.” We will respond regarding any comments or questions and let you know when your piece will be posted. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Recommending Reading/Viewing Section has been set up so that if you did want to purchase a book, CD or DVD from our list, all you would need to do is click on the link provided and you would be taken to the Amazon site and go through their purchasing process. We want you to know that Amazon gives us a small percentage of the purchase price (4%) that would go towards project funding.

The Favorite Links section gives you an insight into the sites that educate and inspire us as to issues and solutions involving people throughout the world. These links showcase people and organizations that help raise our awareness of what difficulties and problems need to be addressed and wonderful, inspiring things are being done to help our human family and planet.


The Upcoming Events Section we highlight events that we feel are beneficial and enriching so you can attend or get more information on the respective event.

Foundation for Global Humanity 127 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94710 

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